I made this box housing a tray and journal for my friend Bonnie who is fighting a battle with cancer. Of all the book jackets I have in my stash I didn’t have one I felt suited my vision. Most of the thick books useful in this type of box with a tray are generally…
Read MoreI’ve been playing with everything that yells for attention. A friend had dropped off some small (orange/tangerine size) dried gourds for our every other Tuesday doodling get together at Random Arts in Saluda, NC. We all grabbed one or three with the intention of bringing them to our next meeting, doodled. I completed two of…
Read MoreBackstory: Our bi-monthly doodling group was tasked with coming to the next meeting with a doodle containing our initial, a flower(s) and a square (could be the size of the paper). I came across my fine line bottle of masking fluid while I was moving things around (again and again) and it was on my…
Read MoreI was very good yesterday, I worked all day at putting my studio back together, so I took a little time before calling it a night and made a Pop Out Valentine card. Valentines Day is weeks away so I have a some time to finish it with a verse. In the meantime I’m going…
Read MoreI swear I was done playing with my Fred Mullett and Art Impressions stamps (BTW I got the three ladies stamps, unused, at the Random Arts yard sale – where the shop AND customers sell used and unused supplies). But it’s really cold outside and I didn’t want to go get more boxes to unpack.…
Read MoreI purchased a large Law Reference Book from our local library’s sale and repurposed it into a clamshell box with three trays. See more information on my blog.
Read MoreI don’t love everything I make. Sometimes I have an idea I have to get out of my head AND once I do I’m good to move on – not trying to make it perfect. For example: I must have gotten a bag of vintage cup cake pics at a yard sale for a $1…
Read MoreI have stamps, a lot of them. I don’t use them very often – but I have them. I never heard of Fred Mullett stamps until they showed up at Random Arts in Saluda. Jane used a water color paint technique with this fish stamp. That’s all it took.. I knew I couldn’t just stamp…
Read MoreA friend posted this picture of an Ornamental Tree Trunk Spider – (Herennia Ornatissima) Monochrome by ElephantVisionPhoto on Facebook. I suggested that it would make an interesting doodle and proceeded to give it a go. I taped the picture to my worktable and then taped a piece of tracing paper over that: If you look closely you…
Read MoreShort story… I wanted to make something different for a special, incredibly talented, artist. I went to her blog and found a post titled “Things To Do Before The Zombie Apocalypse” – things rocketed on from there. I lead a rather boring life and am not too familiar with Zombies. I’m more afraid of not…
Read MoreFirst, let me apologize for the pictures. We’re close to finishing my studio and getting my supplies and furniture out of storage. In the meantime I’m still working on my kitchen counter and, if space wasn’t an issue, it’s been a beautiful rainy day with a gray sky – therefore not the best light for…
Read MoreI’m on schedule to teach this fun Flag Book workshop at Random Arts in Saluda, NC on Thursday, October 9th. * All materials to make the Flag Book and Envelope as seen below, are precut and included in the workshop. Workshop size is limited to 8. * Book size is 4″ x 7″ closed / 16″…
Read MoreWe’ve moved my web site and blog to WordPress. While still in the process of updating categories and tags, etc., I realized I hadn’t posted one of my favorite boxes (or if I did I can’t find it 😉 I bought a few lawyers reference books from the yearly local library book sale. This one…
Read MoreIf the Focus Book workshop finishes early we’re going to make this journal structure… Pamphlet Stitched Journal with Collaged Cover Design Considerations: I wanted a journal structure that used supplies most folks would have on hand and involved minimal, if any, sewing. It should be easy to assemble and easy to decorate (I, however, couldn’t stand…
Read MoreFOCUS BOOK – Workshop at Random Arts in Saluda, NC I’ll be teaching this book I created on July 25th. 6 1/8″ x 7 1/4″ 6 1/8″ x 22 1/2″ Story: I’ve been caught up in the Gouache technique. Where you paint a picture in acrylic paint, paint over it with white gouache water color,…
Read MoreGouache Technique and Golden Fluids Color Chart Although, admittedly, I’m an impulse opportunity shopper I don’t like to buy duplicates of supplies I have at home. Soooooo, after an inspiring Tuesday of Zen Doodling at Random Arts (where most of my Golden fluids shopping happens) I created an inventory color chart in excel of Golden Fluid…
Read MoreI’ve been doodling some, making books and buying duplicate of art supplies that I can’t get to in “lock up”. Luckily Random Arts is having their Artist’s yard sale in October and I can sell some of the duplicates there (my studio should be finished by then). While lost in Pinterest (this should be a…
Read MoreGouache Resist – Oh Please!!! I am such a two year old! Enough said… There is a long blank wall in my dining room. The art from our Atlanta house is out of place here. In moving “things” around, in and out of boxes, I came across two brand new 12″ x 36″ Showbox Gallery…
Read MoreUnfinished Wood Boxes repurposed The second installment of repurposed bedroom furniture… Supplies: Two wood storage boxes purch online at Joann.com – $30 ea with coupon TTL w/shipping $60 http://www.joann.com/large-wood-storage-bin-with-lid/11873684.html Four glass blocks used for bases (2 per base) – purchased at Lowes – $5 ea Total for both night stands: $80 Finished Product: I couldn’t find…
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