A Gouache here a little Gouache there + Golden Fluids color chart
Gouache Technique and Golden Fluids Color Chart
Although, admittedly, I’m an impulse opportunity shopper I don’t like to buy duplicates of supplies I have at home.
Soooooo, after an inspiring Tuesday of Zen Doodling at Random Arts (where most of my Golden fluids shopping happens) I created an inventory color chart in excel of Golden Fluid paints AND made a handy little wallet painted with the gouache technique, followed by doodling, to put it in.
* Water color paper was needed for the cover so I could use the gouache technique that uses acrylic paints, gouache, ink and water.
* The Golden Fluids inventory color chart was printed on card stock and glued to one of two accordion folds incorporated in the cover.
* A blank sheet of the water color paper (for inspiration and color testing) was glued to the second accordion fold.
* A description of the various Golden Fluids and their uses was printed and glued to the inside covers for future reference.
* After finishing the gouache technique I doodled the design and assembled the wallet.
Open wallet (accordian folds in center) |
Closed – Front of wallet |
Closed – Back of wallet |
Open wallet with Golden Fluids color chart attached to one of two accordion folds. |
Accomplishing two very FUN projects in one made me very happy:
1) Putting the inventory sheet in excel. LOVE excel! It was time consuming because I copied and pasted each color swatch to a cell next to the color name. Then I fiddled around with it until it fit the wallet, folded into thirds. FUN!
2) Gouache – needed an excuse to make something with the gouache technique. This was bigger than I’ve done before. FUN, again!