Get Lost! I did. Actually I’ve been lost every spare minute, last night and today, since my friend suggested I log on to Pinterest to look at something (actually I stole some minutes that weren’t spare and gave them to the spare pile)… http://www.pinterest.com Pinterest is a virtual Pinboard where people collect and post things…
Read MoreIt’s way past Mother’s Day but this was scheduled and in the que Google held on to it. I hesitated to share this but figured what the heck – any artistic endeavors I share with you came to me through her. This was the first Mother’s Day in 59 years I haven’t been able to…
Read MoreSorry for the delay in posting – my birthday week turned into three weeks (my husband refuses to extend it another month) and I got lost. More about my new mini compressor mentioned in my previous post… first, this can be an expense you may not want to add to your tool box but I…
Read MoreDelores is my interpretation of Patti Medaris Culea’s doll pattern. 22 1/2″ tall Material: Embroidered fabric remnant. My mother made a beautiful suit that my sister Jean wore to my wedding in 1981. Beads: New, repurposed and vintage beads. Beads in the head were strung on wire. The necklace was made using beading thread. Color…
Read MoreAhhhh… my BFF Edna Quicke of Tallahassee collaborated with me on these ?happy on the eyes? dolls. I made and painted the dolls, Edna made the clothes. We made at least 10 sets. Before we stopped I made one Asian by altering the shape of the eyes as I cut the openings. Original Doll Artist:…
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