Some of This and Some of That + Wire Storage
– Searching the internet for a disc cutter I found beaducation.com. Folks, if you have a question about the proper use of a tool – they have the video to answer it, for free. I found Kate’s video on torches at their blog
blog.beaducation.com particulary helpful. They sell jewelry tools and supplies too.– BTW a great blog on storage ideas, www.craftystorage.blogspot.com, is posting an idea of mine on October 21st.
– I just found a new magazine, Stitch-Craft-Create, that has cute ideas that can be used with other materials – like the huge box of leather samples I have. Glad I bought the premier issue, not sure it’s an every month need.
Some of That:
– I made this storage caddy for my jewelry stringing wire. I cut an 8″ length from a 3″ cardboard tube, then cut 1/4 of the tube off of the side. Rubber bands around and in between the spools holds them apart. A large hair band goes around the tube length wise to keep them from falling out the ends. The side you can’t see has holes drilled in the tube at each spool so I could feed the wire thru. Good idea in theory, but a pain if you’re working fast.