Metal Medley #4
I knew right away what I was going to use the title plates for. Many years ago I made a foam core cabinet for melmine dessert trays I found at a garage sale (when I was young – they used these trays in our cafeteria – so I know they’re vintage). I glued wooden beads to the front of the trays, glued a bead in the hole for decoration and used the trays to hold miscellaneous doo dads.
It’s been my intention for awhile to get more “stuff” out of my way on the paper table (where the “love of my craft life” lives – my Genesis paper trimmer). So I designed this cabinet and made it out of repurposed, laminated, black foam core. I worked for an engineering firm and frequently rescued presentations from being discarded – a design of the Florida Turnpike is on the underside pieces of this cabinet. Black laminated foam core is my favorite to work with. It’s more dense, cuts easier and sharper.
The new cabinet is 30″ wide x 7″ high x 5 1/2″ deep. It holds the dessert trays, thin plastic trays I place small items on when I’m working on a project and paper trays I made out of 8″x6″ thin chip board – covered with decorative paper and assembled with eyelets.
Supples from Medley: Name plates and eyelets
Supplies from my stash: Foam core, chip board, decorative paper.
Foam Core design note: I use a Rabbet Cutter on the ends that need to be glued together for corners. It provides a great neat, sharp, join forming perfect 90 degree corners.