Good Idea Gone Bad
Have you ever had a fabulous idea that, in the end, turned out to be above your capabilities. This was one for me. It’s been about 8 years since I pulled this together and have since learned when to cry “uncle”;)
Inspiration: Computer hard drive destined for the garbage. Ohhhhh what fabulous, colorful, circuit boards it contained! AND I had just discovered heart shaped mold/plaster kits for making impressions of children’s hands.
Somehow (it’s a thin, thin, thread with me) – the mother board from the gutted hard drive turned out to be the backdrop for a water fountain (yep-complete with water).
My daughter Laura is an artist too. She agreed (can’t remember how we got here) to put cotton in her nose and breathe thru a straw for two minutes while her face was partially submersed in molding material. Gotta love this girl! This is a scanned page from my scrapbook – before I owned a digital camera.
After the mold was made I created a plaster face cast, cut out the eyes, inserted a plastic tube in the mouth, painted it with black waterproof paint and adhered it to the mother board of the hard drive. It was glued to a rectangle vessel that would hold the water while it circulated thru the tubing and out of the mouth.
Scary – huh.