
Forgot to put out the "Gone Fishing" sign.

Just Hey.

Since I’ve been away (sorry I didn’t put out a “gone fishing” sign) I’ve gone to


Crater Lake (look it up – you gotta go!!)


BC was gorgeous – the people were awesome!
This is a picture taken with my IPhone at the BC museum – HA! 

Washington (Seattle)

What a colorful, unique, City.


We celebrated the 88th Birthday of the most wonderful Mother In Law in Mother In Law’dom.   She raised the Man of My Dreams – what more can I say.


Speaking of Dreams… this is Gabi my 3 1/2 year old Granddaughter.  I forgot how energetic little ones can be.  We had a blast  for 2 1/2 weeks.

We had a deal – she would stand still for me to take pictures in
a few hats and she could take some wooden birds off of their stakes (sitting in a pot outside)
and pose for pictures of her choice.  I had to move FAST!  Not bad for an IPhone.
This is serious.  She’s activated her wand and is in the process of
casting a spell on me.   It begins with “Bippity Bobbity…..”

We went everywhere, had picnics as the weather permitted, played games and made crafts (she kept saying “you’ve got a lot of STUFF”)  HA!  I’m now a serious believer in afternoon naps – for me.

A LOT of other stuff happened that I’ll share as I catch up (and get more familiar with my MAC).  For example – the folks at Atieler 6000 – Printing Making Studio and Gallery  in Bend, Oregon created a two day – one person – workshop for me when I called and said I’d be joining my husband at a conference in their City.  I carved and printed a copy of the Kimono I drew a few years back.  I’ll share it in another post.  You’ll want to try this.  If I can do it – you can.

Have a fabulous day.