
Butterfly Pin & Metal Corners

Two Dilemmas…

1. I didn’t push the development of this butterfly I posted a couple of days ago and it was bugging me …
2. The curved, simple, metal corners are a favorite of mine. My friend mentioned the other day she didn’t like them very much and gave me hers. I got to thinking that there must be another use for them besides being attached to paper. There is! They make awesome dangles, scales, etc.

I couldn’t get the rivet out of the butterfly without a lot of work so I improvised. To bend the heart for more depth – I used two dowels; one on top in the middle and two underneath down both sides and pushed. I aged the wings by brushing on liver of sulfur. Rhinestones replaced the pearls. Body “tags” were made by cutting the metal corners in half, flattening one end and making holes using an awl at the narrow end and a hole punch at the large end. The “tags” were secured first by 30 gauge metal wire and again when the size 14 iridescent seed beads were added and strung in and around the tags. Now it’s officially a pin.