Book Sewing Frame – (Not your ordinary)
Well folks – I spent the better part of today visiting with the boys. Michael, Dick and HL (Michaels Art/ Craft Store, Dick Blick Arts and Hobby Lobby). It’s been awhile since I’ve walked every isle to see what’s new and what could be used for something other than it’s original intention. It was a good day.
I want to share with you what I made last year. The SE Guild of Bookworkers had a spot at last year’s Decatur Book Fair – Ann Frellsen demonstrated sewing book signatures using a sewing frame. Well, I knew if I was going to start making books, I needed one. Hers was hand made, prompting me to investigate via the internet on how to make a sewing frame.
My sewing frame: My intention was to use materials I had on hand. I already had the box that had been purchased at a flea market. It’s hinged, hand made to hold chess pieces (I made a pendant out of the queen but that’s another blog). The wood pieces were from a child’s building set I purchased at a garage sale. The stip of wood glued to the underside, front, was an oak threshold remnant put in place prior to cutting the slot. The inside is collaged with a 1918 newspaper I found at a yard sale. The wood slats, also from my stash of “things to go with other things” were inserted to compartmentalize the inside so the pieces don’t fall out of the slot when the box is closed. The snap on the outside of the box is from a cigar box. The best part – the “book club participants” – were part of my stash and is a delight every time I open the box.
It’s compact, sturdy and works like a charm.